Compass Church

What to Expect

on Sunday Mornings

As we’re in the process of relocating, we don’t yet have many photos of our new space. The images below are a combination of our old space and new location, but rest assured, the information on this page is still accurate.

Compass Church folks build community in worship.


Compass Church folks build community in worship.

Service starts at 11 am on Sundays, and you can expect it to last about an hour. If you miss a Sunday, you can always find the latest message on our YouTube Channel during the week.


Feel free to arrive a bit early and join us for a warm cup of coffee and a donut in our cozy cafe area. Our friendly hospitality team will be on hand to help you start your Sunday with a boost!


Worship at Compass incorporates intentional elements of liturgy that are anchored in historical worship practices. We embrace the sacred rhythms of our faith, honoring the past while looking to the future with purpose.

Music is one way we worship and offer our praise to God. It is always a way to remind us of the truths of who God is and our response as Jesus followers. While you will mostly hear newer worship songs, we also value and connect with historic hymns of the faith.


We gather to connect with God and with one another, so we create space for that to happen. Don’t be surprised if you’re invited to turn and talk with someone near you about a (non-threatening!) question that relates to the message of the day.


Speaking of messages, the Word of God is meant for us today and so our pastor shares 20-30 minute messages that help us understand God’s Word in a way that is relevant to our lives. They are real, challenging, inspiring, and hope-filled.


At Compass, we offer communion every Sunday. We practice intinction, where you will receive a piece of bread to dip in non-alcoholic juice, respecting those in recovery. We also provide a gluten-free option, and for those unable to come forward, we are happy to bring communion to you.


We have no dress code. Wear what you’re comfortable in. You’ll see anything from jeans and shorts to dresses and slacks.


During the message, children will be invited to head to the children’s room for some activities and a bible lesson. 

Our nursery will be open and available during the entire service.